Sunday, July 20, 2008

milk was a bad idea......

So it is 4AM right now. I just ran out of bed because the pizza I decided to have last night decided it wanted out the same way it came in. Ugh.

Might as well ramble about my week.

I had confirmation camp this week, which meant no OAP, which ended up being very annoying. I mean regular camp is great, and the campers are no different, its just not my hired job, which is annoying. I really missed sleeping outside. Its weird.

For the most part the guys were great, there was a group of them, the self proclaim fantastic four, which were just a bunch of annoying brats. They had tons of potential, but they purposely sought to disobey and annoy people for attention. For instance, I had to limit their consumption of french toast one day and after that they yelled "french toast" for the next two days at random times. Needless to say the rest of the cabin wanted to duct tape them to trees and leave them. The four weren't very smart when it came to making friends.

Besides the kids the week was frustrating as there was very little freedom in the schedule, which is very different from OAP. But every morning there was confirmation instruction and therefore the pastors took the kids and the counselors were free for other stuff, which was the cool part for me.

Every morning we ran the High Ropes Course for the confirmation groups and I was facilitating everyday, which was amazing. It fascinates me how people react to the high course and how many people get pushed far beyond their supposed limits. It's so cool to be a part of something that reveals new and exciting things about themselves.

I think I am going to try and sleep now.....

OAP next week on the mountain! Woot!

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