Friday, July 25, 2008

Week Five

Why does it always seem like I have so much to write and no time to do it, but when I do have time to write I have nothing to write about sigh....

now onto the horrible joy of week five:

A few snippets......some of my campers peed and spat in another's sleeping 11 hour drive to southern WA with whining campers and terrible directions and food camper has a terribly bruised arm and is also emotionally injured...two of my campers may be facing assault charges..... the camp may get sued....and that was all in one week....AHHHHHHHH

I have no idea how to write everything about this week without it being a novel, but we will try. Let's get the negatives out, so then I can focus on the positives and end happy!

To begin, two campers dumb and dumber(not real names) decided that they wanted to make my week and everyone elses week miserable, and they tried very hard but failed. But a few things that they did.....peed and spat in another camper's sleeping bag(we'll call him Bugman). They also threw things at him and pushed him out of bed Sunday night when I was asleep. Of course I have to sleep like a rock and not wake up after all of that. Another camper, Flirt, decided to pour shampoo on Bugman in his sleep.....and this was all Sunday night. They also decided to stay up til 4 yelling obscenities and being very inappropriate....and I slept through all of it to find out in the morning.....erg.

Monday morning we woke up and every single camper wanted to leave and didnt want to do OAP. "We dont want to cook" "we dont want to clean" "we don't like the food"....and every other whiny annoy complaint that is possible. So after an entire day of dealing with a bunch of whiny kids we got a few of them to start to enjoy themselves. Then Bugman's mom showed up and took him home, because he didnt like dumb and dumber picking on him, and that made me sad because he actually wanted to be there.

Monday night all the campers slept soundly...only getting 4 hours of sleep made them very willing to sleep, it was nice. Tuesday morning we got up and did our morning thing which was going well until Picked decided to spit in Dumbers hairer. Dumb and dumber then decided to punch Picked as much as possible, so I had to split them up and it was annoying. We did geocaching, and the units decided to misbehave and not work right, and I had to spend forever fixing them, and then had to deal with bad campers. But finally got the geocaching done, at lunch, and we packed up and left for southern WA way later than I wanted to because the campers took forever packing.

The drive wasn't too bad to begin with, the campers were quiet for the most part and well behaved, they complained about my music choice for a while until they realized that I wasn't going to play very inappropriate rap music and they just fell asleep. We drove through several national parks and saw some of the most gorgeous land scapes I have ever seen. Massive snow covered mountains and pristine lakes with ancient pine forests....oh dear it made me want to jump for joy. But all good things must come to an end...we stopped at a rest area to cook dinner, only to find out that program staff forgot to pack several essential items for cleaning and forgot most of the food. So after two hours of work and improvisation we were finally back on the road and running really late...sigh

Google maps really sucks, as their directions sent us the wrong way several times and just had terrible here we are, 11 campers, Mich and I at 1AM driving through the middle of no where Southern WA and have no idea where we are going because we've given up on google and we stop for a bathroom break....only to find the entire town closed down. So we stop at the one place I know is open, a hospital. The campers go to the bathroom, they are whining and all asking if we can sleep in the hospital, and I'm like I ask the receptionist where to go, and they tell me the park we are going to is closed, and now we have no where to go.....and then God steps in. So the receptionist calls her pastor, at 1:30AM, and after talks and such and a short drive we are all sleeping in a church in a strange city, being blest by amazing hospitality of total strangers. God rocks, and sometimes his people pull through their sinfulness and do amazing things.

Weds we head off for live rock climbing, which is an absolutely amazing time. I love rock climbing, and challenging the campers to climb was awesome. Maybe some other day I will right more about this day, but I dont have time to now.

On Weds we drive up to Olympia WA, which isnt as beautiful of a drive, but still great and we set up camp, cook, eat, and then sleep. With dumb and dumber doing many things that require discipline, and it was just frustrating.

We get up Thursday, make omlettes, which are amazing, and then are on the road way later than I wanted to be because of course campers are slow at everything. We finally get back to camp, both Mich and I are exhausted, stressed out and basically are ready to curl up and cry......only to find out that Dumber spent the entire ride back punching Picked in the arm leaving massive bruises, and not a single camper said anything to Mich or I about it. Why didn't they say anything? We counselors can't watch every moment, because I have to drive and Mich had to direct, and fun at all, at which point I did break down. It sucked.

I have already written so much.....but the rest of the week went by fast and it was fun, Screamo and the other girls entertained me so much and were awesome, I may write more about them later, no time now, the parents ganged up on me and I nearly cried when Goat and Bob saved me from them.....just AHHHHH. Crazy Crazy week, maybe write more when I have time.

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