Friday, July 11, 2008

utter insanity

Life is insane.

That short verse basically summarizes the last few weeks, and my life in general. So week two I had Jr High waterski/wakeboard camp with one camper, then I flew to TX for the Jer-linda wedding, then came back and did Sr High waterski/wakeboard and am now confused as to where the last three weeks went.

The Jr high week was interesting with the one camper. It made programing interesting and difficult as many camp activities need at least 4 campers, so I had fun making that work. But since there were such low numbers I got to go wakeboarding and skiing which was amazing. I really love water skiing.

Driving the boats was lots of fun and I got to use alot of skills that my dad taught me which was great. I also facilitated high ropes, more fun playing in the trees, and just had alot of chill fun with my camper, until thursday came around.....

I left for TX on that thursday from Seattle and got into Houston at midnight local time. It was great seeing Jeremy again, we did a nice greeting in German and it was just fun. It was amazing to go to a hotel and actually sleep in a real bed indoors. I am sleeping in tents nearly the entire summer. TX was hot and humid, totally different than the cool NW weather, and adjusting to central time was a pain. It was great seeing Valpo friends again and getting to hang out. It was a little bit sad because there wasnt that much time to hang out, so while I did see people I didnt get to catch up as much as I would have liked too.

Linda looked absolutely stunning, and Jeremy looked odd, it's weird seeing him in a tux. The ceremony was lovely, and the BBQ was excellent and CJ and I got to bartend which was tons of fun. Sadly after an evening of eating, drinking and dancing, everyone just wanted to go to bed, so rather than hanging out we went to bed, and I had to leave at 6AM for my flight back to seattle. And then began the longest week ever....

So a four hour flight followed by a hour wait for my ride in the airport, summed up with a 2 hour drive back to camp made it so that I left from the Hotel at 6AM central and got to camp at 1:30 PM West coast or 3:30PM central. 9.5 hours of travel time is exhaustingly long, then I got to clean cabins, move in, get campers and start camp right away again....ahhh!

I had Sr High so they all decided that the best thing to do was to stat up til 11:30PM everynight, even though they, and I had to get up at 6:30 for early morning skiing. So having everyday go from 6:30AM til 11:30PM made for a really really long exhausting week.

The campers were great individually, but as a group all they're IQs dropped 50 points and a bunch of great kids became a bunch of idiots. I mean I love them to death, and it was fun and all, but how many stupid and dangerous ideas can you have without being an idiot? (and I probably was the same way at they're age too).

Well this past week was just insane with crazy kids, long days, a bunch of stuff happening outside of camp, and stuff happening with people here at camp...its just been crazy. Keep my insane life in your prayers.

Next week life is switching up, we are overbooked on confirmation campers and so they needed another guy counselor. So I am being taken off of OAP for a week and will be doing confirmation camp, which means sleeping inside, on beds, doing less work, and basically like a week off. Woot. Well I will end this post now, and maybe write more later.

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