Sunday, August 3, 2008


So week six was a contract adventure trip, and it was easier than week five, but filled with frustrations, and just exhaustions. Once again I have lots to write and no time to do so. So shortened versions:

-Adult leaders are the most frustrating campers, especially when they encourage bad behavior and try to undermine your authority all week
-Rain and mud suck...I miss thunderstorms
-I am really lonely, OAP keeps me very seperated from the rest of camp so I have very little support and contact, and I am just lonely....sigh
-Christians suck at being christians.....sin really sucks
-Camp makes setting up utilities, paying bills, and doing other things nearly impossible
-I hate the FAFSA
-I hate having no time to write!

-Also I love rock climbing, and I blew a bunch of money on gear. I bought my own rope! Its awesome, but its not good for the pocketbook.

I need to run...sigh.....write more next weekend.

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