Thursday, August 21, 2008


So the last two or so weeks have been jam packed and insane. So rather than writing a novel we'll do some bullet points again :-).

-I did regular camp the last week of camp, 7-8th. It was an all right week, I had a problem child again who swore and was inappropriate the entire week. He also complained alot.
-I was frustrated with just doing regular camp again, but finally got through it and enjoyed being done. The summer was a hard one.

-After camp I went diving with Goat in the lake which was tons of fun, even though the lake has terrible visibility. We reset some anchors and brought a lawn chair up from the bottom. I've missed diving, it was so wonderful. And afterwards I got a great deal to purchase the equipment, so now I have dive gear! woot!

-My mom and I went up to Vancouver BC for the weekend afterward and ran into a bunch of problems at the border. The Canadian border guards are absolute jerks! They basically wanted documentation about my entire life. Who takes a lease, college transcripts, and copies of bills with them to canada? argh.

-Vancouver was really big and expensive. I was kind of amazed by how much more things cost there. It was very frustrating.

-After Vancouver I moved into my apartment, which is great minus a few things that need to be fixed, and a ghetto fridge.

-Orientation was crazy busy and full of stuff, but it went well, and I got to go the the National Lentil festival and get free chili and go to a beer garden! Woot!

-I am taking a Math Methods Course, Classical Mechanics, and Quantum 1 this semester, and I am getting the feeling that while this will be a really hard semester, it will be alot of fun also.

Oz, from Lutherwood, and I have been talking for a bit online and the phone and we both realized that we liked each other, and so we decided to start dating, albeit the fact that it will have to be long distance. She is really amazing and makes me really happy, and she <3's orange as much as I do....btw I got an orange couch!!

My life is in a crazy state of change currently and I am not sure where things are going or whats up. I'm like an electron in a time dependent perturbation, never knowing where I really am or where I'll end up, but hopefully God will turn off the perturbation soon and show me whats up.

The group of incoming grad students is all guys, but they all seem to be great, I think I'll find some really wonderful friends here. Well I think I will stop now and write more later.

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