Wednesday, August 27, 2008

first exploration post

Today in Quantum the professor said that rather than think of waves and particles as existing, think of all things as waves. I explicate and say that at the heart of all things is a wavelike nature, a vibrating essence, the reflection of the Divine Harmony. Things in this fallen world do not vibrate in resonance, instead they try and follow their own tones, their own desires, and this wreaks havoc like an out of tune violin in an orchestra.
The universe is meant to be an eternal symphony, a hymn to the Divine mystery, an exclamation of the Lord's Glory. In the Fall the harmonies and melodies were broken and the world became a cacophony of noise. And as any musician or physicist knows, in order to return to resonance there needs to be a very intense source of resonance. And so into this cacophony the ultimate symphony came down and was incarnate, and His notes, his melodies filled the world and shattered the dissonance and slowly all is returning to the symphony, slowly all will either enter into harmony or be lost forever. In the incarnation the fallen universe suffered an incurable change, a good infection spread into all things living and inanimate, all things began to fall into the brilliantly clear and loud music that is the Holy Trinity. And all that will be will fall into harmony with that joyous tune, or else be lost in nothingness. The teleos of our existence is to enter into harmony with Christ.

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