Monday, September 22, 2008

Exhaustion, Root Canals, and Wine making

Well time to update the issue of my stupid mouth.....the pain continued to get worse, and I was unable to sleep laying down for several days, which in turn made me very tired, very grouchy, and made me miss some appointments, and it was just no good. Finally on Thursday I was fed up and I finally got an appointment with a dentist who could do a root canal. He quickly decided that it was abscessed after he merely touched it and I was filled with excruciating pain. Now I want you to understand something about the experience I was having. My cheek/jaw by the sore tooth was visibly swollen, hurt to touch, and felt like I had stuffed cotton balls in it. It was probably the most painful thing I had ever experienced and even vicodin only dimmed the pain, not took it away.
But then they numbed me up, woot Novocain! and I didn't feel anything anymore and they did a much of stuff to prepare and then did the root canal. It only took like 30mins which the dentist said was amazing. He said I was a pleasure to do dentistry on. I don't know if that is a compliment or what. Guess my mouth is just easy to deal with and fix. So my mouth felt great afterwards, because it was numb, and there was much rejoicing. Later when the numbing died out, there was some pain as the remnants of the root canals pain came back. Took one last vicodin to deal with that, and then the next day and since I have been pain free!
While being pain free, I am still recovering from the side effects. I am exhausted still, and trying to catch up on my grading and other work that got postponed by pain. I feel like I could sleep for a week.

On a different note of cool new things, this weekend I partook in a wine crushing, which meant that I helped to make wine. It was alot of fun, a little bit cold as fall has finally hit Pullman in force, and very staining. Grapes leave your hands a nice shade of purple. I met some new people and got to try alot, aalllooooootttt of grapes, I dont think I will be able to eat grapes for a while. I got a free bottle of wine out of the deal, woot! and the fun experience.

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